Upcoming Newsletter (and Book Recommendation)

I wanted to let you all know that the blog posts from now on will be included in a newsletter format. The “Brain over Binge Newsletter” will go out once per month to all subscribers, and in the newsletter, I’ll also include links to helpful resources (that can assist you with the two recovery goals: dismissing urges and/or eating adequately), articles, any coaching or support group opportunities, and any recent interviews or media.  I think it will be useful to have all of this information in one place each month.

If you have already subscribed, there is nothing you need to do to begin receiving the newsletter. It will come to your inbox just like the blog posts currently do.  If you aren’t subscribed yet, please enter your email address in the “subscribe” box to the right. I plan for the newsletter to come out on the 1st of each month, so you’ll receive the first one on May 1st.  I look forward to this and I hope you find the newsletter helpful in your recovery!

*If there are any time-sensitive updates, I will still send those outside of the newsletter, but I expect that to be very infrequent.


Book Recommendation:

I am simply amazed that people who have told me that my book helped them in their recovery have gone on to help others in their own unique way–whether that is by coaching, writing, blogging, participating in support groups, or just being there for other binge eaters in the real world.  I am so happy to be a part of what feels like a movement–of more people speaking out against dieting and saying that eating disorders do not have to be complex and emotionally-laden problems, and inspiring others to recover.

One of those people is Wendy Hendry, who I’ve been in touch with for a long time, and I consider her not only a colleague but a friend. Her recovery was not instantaneous, but she stuck with it, found her own way, and now has written a book to help others struggling with weight issues and binge eating. The title is “W.A.I.T Loss: The Keys to Food Freedom and Winning the Battle of the Binge.” (In the book, W.A.I.T. stands for ‘What Am I Thinking’). Wendy is a fitness expert and health coach. I was honored to write the foreword for this book, which is a first for me.  It’s a relatively short read and only $3.99 on Amazon.


(c) Brain over Binge – Read entire story here.