VIP Coaching Spots are open! [fall 2022]

We’re coming up to the end of the year + starting to picture the new year on the horizon…

And maybe, like me, you’re starting to have thoughts trickle in about where you’re at.

In your life, your business, and about your own happiness on a day-to-day basis.

And I imagine there’s some things you’re pretty darn proud of yourself for this year (I hope!).

AND… I bet there’s still some progress you want to make.

Do you have this lingering feeling that there is a ‘next level’ for your life and business…just waiting for you to step into?


  • You KNOW deep down there is a higher vision for how you operate as CEO of your business, or with the work you’re doing in the world. You know you’re meant to have greater impact, shine brighter, feel more joy in your work, and create more boldly.
  • You KNOW there is a way for you to feel more financially abundant while delivering on your unique gifts. You know you can have both – a career you love + financial ease.
  • You KNOW you can be living a life that feels so much more ‘you’ – where you’re being led by your intuition, you’re spending your time and energy on what feels aligned, and you feel confident and ‘at home’ in your own skin.
  • You KNOW you can live in a way that feels more ‘turned on’ – where you’re freakin’ excited about your life more often, you feel ‘alive’ and expansive, and like you’re making the most of every single day.

For so many of us on the personal development path, we know that our potential is so vast and expansive.

And we also know… that we can get in our own way often.

We know that our own biggest critic, our own biggest saboteur, our own biggest block is ourselves.

If only we could…

  • Think uplifting, positive thoughts about ourselves 100% of the time.
  • Find all the time to meditate and journal and connect with our inner selves.
  • Not let any comparison to what everyone else is doing infiltrate our minds.
  • Block out all forms of self-doubt and not-enoughness.
  • Have a constant connection to our intuition and never feel swayed or confused.
  • Magically feel confident enough to express ourselves fully and confidently in every scenario.
  • Always have clarity and clear direction.


Wouldn’t that be nice?

I’ve been on this self-development path for almost 2 decades now, and I still sometimes struggle with all of the above.

It’s ALL part of the human experience.


The beautiful thing is that all of these hard parts – the self-doubt, the lack of clarity, the disconnection from ourselves – they are always going to come along for the ride, but we get to get better and better at managing them so we can keep reaching toward everything we know we’re meant to become.

And honestly, do you want to know the best way I have learned how to manage all of the sh*t that comes up as I keep growing and reaching toward what I want?

A really good mentor.

Someone who can help me work through all of the muck.

All of the doubt.

All of the insecurities.

All of the ways I sway from my intuition.

All of the moments of feeling lost and stuck.

All of the excuses I make up for myself that keep me playing small.

If it wasn’t for my coaching containers I’ve invested in, there’s just no way I would be where I am today – in my marriage, in my business, in any part of my life.

And I want to offer you an opportunity to close out this year and begin next year… with me by your side as your coach.

My superpower is being able to clearly see a vision for your highest, most expansive self, and being able to hone in on exactly what’s holding you back from getting there. 

I can often see and make sense of what you aren’t quite able to see for yourself. And then my strength is helping you move through what’s getting in the way, clearing the path for you to step into who you really want to become.

My coaching frees people.

It helps women take what feels heavy – the blocks, the insecurities, the ‘stuckness’ – and it transforms it into ease, freedom, lightness, clarity, and security in oneself.

I know that you know this: the ‘inner work’ is not the ‘easy work’.

But when you get to do it with someone…

When you don’t have to do it ALONE…

When you get to be in the space of transformation with someone you trust by your side…

It makes a world of a difference (+ it even gets to be fun, I promise!).

I’m opening up my 3 Month VIP Life + Business Alchemy Coaching Program for a handful of women to work with me one-on-one, and I’d love to chat if you think you might be one of them.

Here are the details:

  • We’ll work together one-on-one for the next 3 months (12 weeks).
  • We’ll have an impactful, beautiful, transformative coaching session every single week.
  • You will also receive Voxer support from me every single day, Monday through Friday (it’s like a walkie talkie app). My clients and I chat daily, so you get coaching throughout the entire time we are in a container together.
  • You will also get access to all of my online courses (Your Coaching Flow, Master Your Life, Intuitive Eating Challenge).

I would love to work with you if:

  • You just know there’s more for you. There’s a version of you floating through your mind who is more at ease and ‘at home’ within herself, loving her life even more, lit up by her day to day, feeling so much more joy and fulfillment.
  • You want to grow in your business in a way that feels fun, intentional, deep, and so aligned with who you are.
  • You want to EXPAND – in your life and work. You want to see more of you come to life. You want to feel more ‘alive’ in all aspects.
  • You often struggle with self-doubt, insecurities, feeling stuck, a lack of clarity, and generally feel like you’re ‘in your head’ more than you want to be.
  • You want someone to walk this path with you – you know there’s another level for you, and you want a deep mentorship and friendship to help you get there.

During our time together, here’s a bit about what to expect:

We will get really clear on where you want to go. What do you envision for yourself? What do you see? What do you want? What dreams are lingering on the horizon for you that you can’t quite seem to get to? How do you want your life to feel?

We’ll deeply explore what’s blocking you from getting there. Using my intuition and extensive coaching experience, I help us explore and understand what seems to be blocking you. What’s coming up deep inside of you that’s keeping you from getting from A to B? Where are you limiting yourself? In what ways are you holding yourself back, even in ways you haven’t realized up until now? What do we need to work through, release, let go of, heal?

You’ll receive transformational coaching. Through various coaching modalities, I help us do just that – let go of what needs to go, heal what needs to heal, rewrite what needs to be rewritten.

You’ll start to shift internally and your outside world will change with it. You start to think differently, feel differently, act differently – and your life on the outside begins to shift. You’re showing up differently. People are responding differently. You start moving closer and closer to that vision.

You realize a new way of living, being, and experiencing life. Life gets more and more juicy. And you feel better. Your life and business are in a different place. You’re just moving through life differently. You’re so proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. The impact is rooted within you and you’ll never be the same person again.

If you’re interested in exploring working together in my intimate coaching container, you can read more about it HERE, and you can skip straight to the application HERE.

I’ll be reviewing your applications this week + if I think we’re a good fit, I’ll be in touch to schedule time to talk through the details + get to know each other a bit better.

I can’t wait to read through your applications + get to work with some of you this year. Let’s finish the year strong and start 2023 off feeling SO good.

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