"When body size becomes something that must be cured, at any cost, so that we can, as so much ad copy…"

“When body size becomes something that must be cured, at any cost, so that we can, as so much ad copy promises us, ‘look—but most importantly, feel—our best,’ we will buy the magic beans; we will run until we decimate our knees; we will give up carbs, and then saturated fats, and then vegetable oils, and keep on giving up until we’re living on air—because there are no trans fats or pesticides in air (right?). This delusion is the engine purring in the heart of some great machine that sucks in human insecurity and spits out money.”

Laura Bogart,
My body doesn’t need a cure: Sizeism, classism and the big-business
hustle of the clean-eating industry  

(via endangeredbodiesnyc)
(c) Radical Body Positive – Read entire story here.