Where Have I Been? My Blogging Hiatus is OVER! LET’S GO!

Well hello my beautiful blog friends!

Sheew, has it been a summer for the books or what?! (And I’m not just talking about the heat wave!)

Tonight I wanted to come on here and just give a little life update, as… let’s call out the elephant in the room…I’ve been a little absent from the interwebs as of late!

Sure I’ve gotten married, and been on our dream honeymoon to Santorini…But we’re now exactly a month out, and I’m still only sporadically back on the blog.

And that’s because…I’ve just been basking in the bliss of newlywed life!

That, and also learning and adjusting to being a wife and a life partner!

I’ve never lived with anyone before, other than my college roommates, and as Steven and I obviously didn’t live together before we got married, not only am I adjusting to being married, but also —sharing the same living space with someone!

Which is fun and exciting and truly something so special to be sharing with Steven as we learn so much more about each other!

One of the biggest adjustments for me is living life now as a team. Which, to be honest is arguably the most beautiful part of marriage, but it also has resulted in the shifting of everything from my daily routine, bedtime, when I eat lunch, how I buy groceries, laundry habits, etc. Plus…I’m doing all these things “for two” now, rather than just little ‘ol me. Which – please don’t read that as me complaining- quite the opposite! I love having a partner to do life with, and it is such a joy to align our lives as one!

But with that alignment comes the rearranging of priorities, and let’s be honest: when my husband is finished with work for the day, I want to be present and hang out with him and give him 100% of my attention. And so for someone who has been used to working on my acting “stuff” from 10am -2pm, and on my blog from 2pm-9pm everyday…when he closes his laptop for the day at 5, I want to do the same.

So I’ve been trying to figure out a new daily routine where I can get everything done, so thank you for your patience while I work out the kinks.

Thankfully, I am finally in a good place, and ready to jump back in, head first, into the blogging space!

Other things I’ve been up to in the interim…

The biggest news is that my mom had successful heart surgery, praise be to God.

I booked two modeling jobs, one of which is with my handsome husband! Yep – I submitted a few snapshots of him along with my submission, and we booked a print shoot together for an international restaurant chain! Woo hoo!

We just had Steven’s godson/nephew come stay with us for the weekend…which was so incredibly fun! We went to the Reds game, an FC Cincinnati soccer game, and Kings Island…where we rode Orion, which is one of only seven GIGA COASTERS in the world! I literally saw stars during the ride, and was the most scared I’ve ever been on a roller coaster! It has a 300+ ft drop and goes over 91mph! Let’s just say I prayed my way through it!!

I’ve written over 200 thank you notes! (The last one just went out today!)

And lastly, we’ve been dealing with a boatload of home-owner headaches: mainly a leak in our roof, and the plethora of issues that brings! But hey…I guess that just comes with the territory of growing up!

Speaking of our home, that could be a super fun video to share: a home tour! I’ll work on putting that together!

I’ve also got lots to say about all the current cultural happenings right now…everything from Disney’s continued decline, to the suppression of Sound of Freedom — Steven and I are seeing it this weekend.

Overall, I have just missed you, my friends, and I am so glad to be back into the swing of things!

Thank you for giving me the luxury of enjoying this first month as a newly married woman! Now it’s back to the grind!

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