Which Video Livestreaming Platform Is Best for You?

Over the last few years, video has transformed the way that we consume content. Videos used to be special and rare, only created by the digital peeps who could afford the fancy equipment and who had the extra hours that it took to edit and upload their work. Thanks to livestreaming and the integration of video function on popular social networks, it’s easier than ever for anyone to share their lives, experiences, and expertise via video.

The only real barrier to getting started is deciding which livestreaming platform to use. How do you decide which platform is right for you? I asked some of my favorite livestreamers for advice, and this is what they said.

Which Video Livestreaming Platform Is Best for You?
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Daphné Leblanc on Blab

BlogHer: What is Blab?

Daphné: Blab is a livestreaming platform where you can build a community through interviews, teaching, screensharing, and so much more. When Blab first started, it was seen as a more techie livestreaming site, but it has grown to incorporate people in many fields. You can also record and the company sends you the audio and video files. This is a great way to repurpose content.

BlogHer: What kind of content does well on Blab?

Daphné: Blab works best with interactive content, such as expert interviews.

BlogHer: How do you use Blab?

Daphné: We use it to create a Moms and Biz community. We have weekly Blabs on Sunday evenings, where we discuss anything mommy- and business-related!

BlogHer: Who should be using Blab?

Daphné: The truth is, strategically speaking, Blab is for EVERYONE! We believe it is the gem of the livestreaming platforms. Blab easily interacts with Twitter and Facebook, so you can grow your following that way!

Join Daphné on Blab.

Jana Seitzer on Facebook Live

BlogHer: What is Facebook Live?

Jana: Facebook Live is a real-time video post on Facebook that lets you connect with your followers. It appears in your newsfeed and they can see what you are doing and interact with you through comments and likes.

BlogHer: What kind of content does well on Facebook Live?

Jana: Facebook Live videos that do well are the kinds of videos that let people see what’s going on around you. People want to see you and they want to see what you are doing. Similar to other live video platforms, people love to see where you’re traveling and exploring. They love to see things they can’t experience for themselves, so being able to show them something they can’t see sitting at their home keeps them engaged.

BlogHer: How do you use the Facebook Live?

Jana: I use Facebook Live when I’m traveling to events or on press trips. When I’m experiencing something new with my kids or for a press junket, I’ll hop on Facebook Live so my followers can see what we are seeing as we are seeing it. Some recent things I’ve shared using Facebook Live include the Captain America: Civil War Red Carpet event, the preview of the new nighttime safari at Animal Kingdom, some rides at Magic Kingdom, the zoo, and live music events.

BlogHer: Who should be using Facebook Live?

Jana: Bloggers, public figures, travelers, and anyone with great content to share.

Join Jana on Facebook.

Amiyrah Martin on Periscope

BlogHer: What is Periscope?

Amiyrah: Periscope is a social media platform where we can follow along with the daily adventures of users, whether that’s a safari in Kenya, or a quick trip to the grocery store. It’s also the perfect platform for teaching, learning, and building (or finding) community.

BlogHer: What kind of content does well on Periscope?

Amiyrah: The best content on Periscope is the kind that is engaging, entertaining and educational. The best way to figure out if content will do well on the platform is to ask: “Am I going to enrich someone’s day by sharing this?”

BlogHer: How do you use Periscope?

Amiyrah: I use Periscope as a way to build community, proctor conversations within that community, and teach my followers something new. As an intentional living blogger, I love to talk about ways to save time and money within your homestead. The community I’ve built on Periscope enjoys discussing these topics, so that’s what we focus on during my broadcasts.

BlogHer: Who should use Periscope?

Amiyrah: I’m biased, so I think all bloggers should be on Periscope, but they should use it in their own special way. Don’t like to be on camera? Scope yourself making dinner, creating a craft, or even shopping at a store you’ve written about on your website. Are you seen as an expert on a certain topic, and have you written about said topic many times? Do a live Q&A, and be of service to people that would love to learn from you. Like to have dance parties in your house? Scope them, and let people join in on the fun!

Join Amiyrah on Periscope.

Dawn Harris on Snapchat

BlogHer: What is Snapchat?

Dawn: Snapchat is an app that provides an unedited look into peoples lives. Their daily routines, adventures, and thoughts. It’s an intimate way to connect with your audience in a fun way.

BlogHer: What kind of content does well on Snapchat?

Dawn: For me, I get a lot of screenshots and chats when I’m showing new products or making recipes that are already on my site (so it gives a little bit of life back to older posts) or behind the scenes of new recipes I’m creating. Sometimes I’ll even show my computer screen with my blog up and show folks that the recipe I made a few days prior is now up and to go check it out. These are all things I do that give me a positive response on Snapchat.

BlogHer: How do you use Snapchat?

Dawn: I use Snapchat to show the behind-the-scenes of my life. It might be me at the grocery store, my family at home celebrating a birthday, utilizing the silly filters, or sharing products I don’t normally share on my site, like my favorite beauty items or a package I ordered for my kids. I feel it make me relatable and it’s a place I can share the person behind Mama Harris’ Kitchen.

BlogHer: Who should use Snapchat?

Dawn: It’s a great tool for business owners, but I believe that the key is to let loose. This is the place to let your hair down, show your humanity and not worry about curating a perfect photo or video. I’ve received a great response from my community and also gained new readers!

Join Dawn on Snapchat.

Want to learn more about all things livestreaming? Make sure to attend the A/V Club track at #BlogHer16!

Don’t wait! #BlogHer16: Experts Among Us will take place from August 4-6, 2016, in Los Angeles, CA.

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