Why Not Saying No is Sabotaging Your Eating

Changing your eating habits isn’t as easy as creating a “new and improved” food plan. Untangling the reasons for your cravings and your urges to overeat is how you ultimately take your power back from food. Today I want to get very concrete and practical about one place where you might not have connected the dots between your non-food habits and emotional eating or overeating. Today’s episode is about overeating when you don’t say no.

Notice where that last sentence took you. Did you have any momentary feelings of guilt for not saying no and slapping your own hand the last time you ate something you felt was “outside your plan”? That’s NOT the type of no I’m talking about. In fact, that’s a whole other podcast episode that I need to record. ?

This episode is about the overeating that happens when you don’t create and hold the boundaries that you need. When you lose hold of those boundaries because you don’t say the word no. This episode is a must-listen with some very clear action items for you. Spend some time with it, and then share this with a friend who could also benefit from strengthening her no muscles.

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