Winter Issue of Weight Matters Magazine

One of the perks of Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) Premium Access Membership is receiving hard copies of the Weight Matters Magazine mailed to your home. It’s an awesome publication always jam-packed with great articles about health, weight, nutrition, emotional wellness, stories about real people and OAC community members making a difference. I love it when I open the mailbox and the latest issue has arrived. I highly recommend upgrading to receive the magazine as well as some other great benefits, like early registration for OAC’s annual convention (BTW that’s open now.)

If you already receive the magazine, turn to page 32 in the Winter issue. I had the privilege of writing the issue’s Kids Korner article. For those of you that don’t know, Early Childhood Education is my first love and I enjoyed tapping into that part of my world by sharing some fun family activities to combat winter boredom. If you have kiddos in your life, I hope you and your family enjoy the ideas and recipes presented… and if you do… I’d love love love to hear about it!

Oh, and please do me a favor, after you are finished reading your magazine. Drop it off somewhere in your neighborhood (coffee shop, hair salon, doctor’s office, some waiting room somewhere in America, etc.) so someone else can benefit from the great information and learn about the OAC. It’s one of my favorite, super easy ways to take #OACAction to help further the mission of the OAC.

Learn more.

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