Your Weight Matters Virtual Convention: A New Understanding of Obesity

Last weekend, the Obesity Action Coalition’s (OAC) Your Weight Matters Virtual Convention brought together people from around the globe seeking to better understand their weight and health. This year, the event aimed to redefine the narrative around obesity, emphasizing that it is not a personal failing but a health issue that can be managed. Many attendees learned for the first time that the traditional narrative surrounding obesity is far from complete.

8 Lessons from Your Weight Matters Virtual

  1. Obesity is a disease driven by complex genetic, environmental, psychological, and metabolic factors that vary from person to person. It’s not simply about eating less and moving more, and it’s NOT a personal choice. Understanding this can reduce the stigma about the disease and encourage individuals to seek care. 
  2. Sharing your lived experience can be emotionally draining, but OAC is always here to support you. 
  3. An expanding selection of obesity treatment options is now available, and personalized care tailored to your individual health is key. 
  4. We must address weight bias and stigma, especially within the healthcare system. Weight bias can no longer be an excuse to deny someone access to the care they need and deserve. 
  5. If you choose the route of medical or surgical treatments for obesity, it is essential to also integrate nutrition strategies. But remember, what works for one person may not work for another. 
  6. Addressing obesity early in life and with compassion is essential for children to live their healthiest lives. 
  7. Yoga IS exercise! Movement in any form is beneficial, and it’s essential to find activities that you enjoy.
  8. Sharing your story is essential to successful advocacy. Lawmakers need to hear real-life stories about how obesity impacts their constituents in order to change policy. 
Jason K and Layla enjoying the virtual convention!

A Supportive Community is Key

The attendees were also encouraged to build a support network by engaging with the OAC Community. This support can make a significant difference in their personal journey and contribute to making the world a better place for people affected by obesity through collective OAC action. 

What Attendees Are Saying

“I always thought I was in this alone, but I’m not. It’s very encouraging that others care, too.”

“I appreciate all of the insight given today because it has helped validate what I thought I knew about my own personal weight loss journey and the lack of support I have had from medical professionals to help me understand my challenges. Today has brought clarity and a lot of “aha” moments on how I can better move forward to losing weight.”

“I’m new here, so I just want to say thank you to everyone – the hosts and the participants in the chat — It’s very encouraging to know that we’re all in this together, and I can’t wait to get involved more with OAC!”

“I learned so much and received a ton of good information. I felt like a failure for all of my life for thinking that my inability to lose weight was my fault. This event made me realize that my obesity was never within my control and it’s ok to need help managing it.” 


With OAC Community+ Membership, you have another chance to experience all that Your Weight Matters Virtual has to offer AND much more! Explore the full OAC Resource Library with even more science-based resources, get a print subscription to the #1 weight and health print publication, Weight Matters Magazine, and participate in exclusive virtual chats to find support within the OAC Community.

Join today to find endless education to support you on your journey to improved health.


The OAC’s Your Weight Matters Convention is proudly supported by multiple reputable companies in the health industry. National Sponsors signed on to date include Platinum Sponsor Eli Lilly; Gold Sponsor Novo Nordisk; Silver Sponsors Boehringer Ingelheim and Currax Pharmaceuticals; and Bronze Sponsors KVK Tech and WeightWatchers. For more information, please email

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